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2017-05-11 12:46:13 by Pritpal @ [引用來源]
There are so many great ways to create a fun and unforgettable vintage circus themed birthday party.This party theme is perfect for a children』s birthday because it has so much potential – circus them...... [閱讀更多]
Business Ideas – Key Factors To Analyze Before Pursuing A Business Idea
2017-05-03 15:21:13 by Pritpal @ [引用來源]
Performing a search for business ideas on any of the popular search engines can leave you completely overwhelmed. The sheer number of ideas and opportunities is alarming, and your task of finding the ...... [閱讀更多]
At Home Business Ideas For the Handicapped Or Disabled
2017-05-01 19:12:48 by Pritpal @ [引用來源]
The best home based business ideas begin with knowing your niche. If you are one of the many handicapped people who want to contribute, remember, you have certain skills, life experience, interests an...... [閱讀更多]
Business Ideas With Low Investment – Internet Marketing
2017-04-30 06:26:33 by Pritpal @ [引用來源]
What Is It?What is Internet Marketing? Internet marketing allows you to match potential customers to the products you are selling through the internet search engine.Internet marketing is a business id...... [閱讀更多]
Catchy Business Name Ideas – Get 100』s of Killer Ideas Fast!
2017-04-05 23:33:46 by Pritpal @ [引用來源]
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The two main things you need to think about when choosing catchy business name ideas are that it should convey the main goal of the business ...... [閱讀更多]
Best Startup Business Ideas: Some Suggestions
2017-03-28 17:06:35 by Pritpal @ [引用來源]
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Are you looking for the best startup business ideas? Everyone dreams of starting his own busin...... [閱讀更多]
Improving Marketing Productivity in the Internet Age
2017-03-11 22:43:53 by Admin @ [引用來源]
Selling of relationships on the internet is the latest buzzword which has hit the marketing communities. This brings us to the question about the importance of maintaining these relationships on the w...... [閱讀更多]
【IDEAS Tech Hackathon X MMdc 數位名人沙龍】HACK Taiwan!數據未來_活動紀實
2016-06-17 17:45:08 by @ MMdc關鍵數位行銷 [引用來源]
為加速推動生產力 4.0 數據應用,由經濟部工業局指導、資策會主辦、MMdc 關鍵數位行銷 與 dcplus 數位行銷實戰家協辦台灣第一個生產力 4.0 社群數據應用競賽 -「2016 IDEAS Tech Hackathon 社群數據應用創意競賽」。這三個月,共歷經三場「IDEAS Tech Hack...... [閱讀更多]
【感謝媒體報導】企業數據應用創新最終戰,在 7/23 IDEAS Tech Hackathon│MMdc
2016-06-16 17:37:51 by @ MMdc關鍵數位行銷 [引用來源]
【蘇松濤/報導】120天,歷經三場「IDEAS Tech Hackathon X MMdc 數位名人沙龍」菁英交流活動,每一場都展現出企業團隊積極想獲取海量數據的渴望,以及取得應用數據後創新商業模式發展的熱烈交流。7/23,IDEAS Tech Hackathon 總決賽,哪家企業團隊能夠出奇制勝?現場重要評審、貴賓及各大媒體,都在關注! 總決賽進入倒數 3...... [閱讀更多]
【感謝媒體報導】史上最長 IDEAS Tech Hackathon,參賽企業即將白熱化正面對決│MMdc
2016-05-24 11:35:56 by @ MMdc關鍵數位行銷 [引用來源]
【蘇松濤/報導】史上最長 120 天黑客松《2016 IDEAS Tech Hackathon 》在 5月13日舉辦第二場「IDEAS Tech Hackathon X MMdc 數位名人沙龍」菁英交流活動,參加企業數爆表!在資策會技術專家及 MMdc 教練顧問共同熱烈討論下,近二十家企業各個蓄勢待發,準備在 7 月 23 日總決賽當天,一決高下! 總決賽進入...... [閱讀更多]