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[fixed] Sequelize: warning: "a promise was created in a handler but was not returned from it"

2016-03-25 18:50:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]

Sequelize: warning: "a promise was created in a handler but was not returned from it"problem:when running sequelize, and console display error message below, accroding to sequelize issues, the informa...... [閱讀更多]

nginx config path for mac envorinment

2016-03-25 18:09:00 by CaesarChi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]

if you are a mac user and have to process nginx config for your local env, there is path and url for youthere is a note for myself.`/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf` nginx clistart server sudo nginx r...... [閱讀更多]

nginx config path for mac envorinment

2016-03-25 18:09:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]

nginx for mac envorinmentif you are a mac user and have to process nginx config for your local env, there is path and url for youthere is a note for myself./usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.confnginx clistar...... [閱讀更多]

solve ubuntu can not find temporaily apt-get update

2016-03-25 00:21:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]

solve ubuntu can not find temporailycli,update dns to google dns server.echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/nullthen solve,sudo apt-get updateref, * apt-get update fails to...... [閱讀更多]

solve ubuntu can not find temporaily apt-get update

2016-03-25 00:21:00 by CaesarChi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]

redux 可以使用多個不同 store 嗎?redux 可以使用多個不同 store 嗎? 原本很直覺的回答這個問題是,可以的! 但是透過 google 一段時間之後,才深入去找問題的本身,發現 redux 作者希望,除非必要性的需求,否則盡量使用『單一 reduxer 對應到單一 store』… ... [閱讀更多]

redux 可以使用多個不同 store 嗎?

2016-03-24 11:15:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]

redux 可以使用多個不同 store 嗎?原本很直覺的回答這個問題是,可以的!但是透過 google 一段時間之後,才深入去找問題的本身,發現 redux 作者希望,除非必要性的需求,否則盡量使用『單一 reduxer 對應到單一 store』 ,本持的精簡的精神處理物件。處理範例方式,GitHub可以採用以下的方式,用多個不同 reducer 包裝起來// reducers.jsexport...... [閱讀更多]

nginx call php and node.js by route forward

2016-03-24 11:05:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]

sudo apt-get install php5-fpmsudo vim /etc/php5/fpm/php.inicgi.fix_pathinfo=0safe_mode = Offrestart php fpmsudo service php5-fpm restartgenerate php file pathmkdir /usr/share/nginx/wwwvim $CKFINDER/co...... [閱讀更多]

[教學] 快快樂樂申請 ssl 憑證 certificate signed by a CA for your domain

2016-03-24 11:02:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]

certificate signed by a CA for your domainmacbrew install opensslubuntuapt-get install opensll當 opensll 安裝好之後,就可以開始建立 key, csr 簽署檔案。mkdir /etc/ssl/localcertscd /etc/ssl/localcertsopenssl req -new -new...... [閱讀更多]

快快樂樂,上手 sketch [外掛,教學彙整]

2016-03-06 05:11:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]

sketch 快速簡短筆記 sketch 是一個用來製作 ui, mockup 好用的工具,他的強項在於 ui, mockup 的使用上,所以跟 photoshop 的比較,大概就是 JavaScript 之於 Java, 熱狗跟狗之間的關係。 這邊做個簡短筆記,將自己搜尋到的東西推薦給大家。 plugin 管理工具 目前已經推出 ui ...... [閱讀更多]

React 新版本控制方案

2016-02-20 15:40:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]

React 新版本控制方案 React 版本大躍進,就在時間 2016/2/19 React 宣布一個重要消息,就是從 原本 v0.14.0 下一個版本為 React v15.0.0。 這段升級實在是讓人嚇了一大跳,察看一下,今天又還沒到 4/1 愚人節,這肯定是對於 react 的陣營來說的確是投下一個震撼的消息。 而 rea...... [閱讀更多]