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Understand the infrastructure of the WordPress Theme – WP Learning – Vol.2

2018-04-27 00:50:43 by Gary @ 控制狂 - WordPress & Online Marketing Learning for Non-Techies [引用來源]

Have you ever encountered problems when installing WordPress theme? 1. Can』t figure out how to set up the theme properly like someone else? 2. Can』t figure out how to tweak a particular section ...... [閱讀更多]

Set a goal for your website, before you really dig in — Vol. 1 Distributed Publishing.

2018-04-16 01:51:38 by Gary @ 控制狂 - WordPress & Online Marketing Learning for Non-Techies [引用來源]

First of all, I want you to know that my basic principle for building a website is called 「Distributed Publishing,」 and many things that happen in our daily lives are followed the similar logic,...... [閱讀更多]

Set a goal for your website, before you really dig in — Vol. 1 Distributed Publishing.

2018-04-16 01:51:38 by Gary @ 控制狂 - WordPress & Online Marketing Learning for Non-Techies [引用來源]

First of all, I want you to know that my basic principle for building a website is called 「Distributed Publishing,」 and many things that happen in our daily lives are followed the similar logic,...... [閱讀更多]

WordPress Learning 101 — Vol.1 Install your first WordPress site on your computer before you dig-in, Introducing Local by Flywheel

2018-04-15 23:42:28 by Gary @ 控制狂 - WordPress & Online Marketing Learning for Non-Techies [引用來源]

The biggest feature of WordPress is the open source system, free to use, and rich resources on the internet. It is also the most important reason that attracted me to join. When I first started,...... [閱讀更多]

WordPress Learning 101 — Vol.1 Install your first WordPress site on your computer before you dig-in, Introducing Local by Flywheel

2018-04-15 23:42:28 by Gary @ 控制狂 - WordPress & Online Marketing Learning for Non-Techies [引用來源]

The biggest feature of WordPress is the open source system, free to use, and rich resources on the internet. It is also the most important reason that attracted me to join. When I first started,...... [閱讀更多]

The first lesson for people who wants to learn WordPress and Digital Marketing, and you should read this carefully.

2018-04-12 14:38:09 by Gary @ 控制狂 - WordPress & Online Marketing Learning for Non-Techies [引用來源]

First, I would like to discuss why I choose WordPress instead of other tools, I did try others, such as Webflow, Adobe Muse ( bye Muse lol ), Shopify, Shopline, OpenCart, even stupid ( Ye...... [閱讀更多]

The first lesson for people who wants to learn WordPress and Digital Marketing, and you should read this carefully.

2018-04-12 14:38:09 by Gary @ 控制狂 - WordPress & Online Marketing Learning for Non-Techies [引用來源]

First, I would like to discuss why I choose WordPress instead of other tools, I did try others, such as Webflow, Adobe Muse ( bye Muse lol ), Shopify, Shopline, OpenCart, even stupid ( Ye...... [閱讀更多]

讓網站增加銷售量的利器:CTA ( Call-to-Action )

2017-11-10 01:03:41 by Gary Yang @ 設計迷 [引用來源]

在網路上銷售商品是一條漫長的過程跟挑戰,我們看過很多人興沖沖的踏入,請人做了一個網站,然後就期待它可以生意興隆。但事實上,在網路上銷售其實必須經過縝密的計算與對話。網站的設計中,包含了許多元素,其中一個很重要的關鍵就是」CTA ( Call-to-Action」),也就是所謂的行動號召按鈕,或是鼓勵購買按鈕。 這個按鈕常常出現在網...... [閱讀更多]

我的網站究竟是否需要部落格(Blog)? | 設計迷

2017-11-07 22:57:34 by Gary Yang @ 設計迷 [引用來源]

部落格行銷其實是很早以前的議題了,相信對於許多人來說都知道這件事,但很有趣的是,真正落實的人…並不多。因此今天想來聊聊這件事… 從今年(2017)開始,消費者接收到比以往更大量的廣告促銷訊息轟炸,我們慢慢發現大家其實更願意花時間停留在有意義的內容或是認真經營部落格的環境內,對於沒有刻意經營的電商網...... [閱讀更多]


2017-11-05 23:23:44 by Gary Yang @ 設計迷 [引用來源]

這幾年來,很多人都想做屬於自己的電商網站,但是在建立之前必須先弄清楚整個架構跟流程確是一個需要花費很多時間的過程。 因為網站的設計與你想銷售的產品一樣重要。因此一個好的設計將會幫助你提高轉化率並達到你所設定的目標。 為了讓你在設計或是改善自己的網站有更好的方向,這篇2017年10個電商網站設計的原則,你必須看下去。 ...... [閱讀更多]