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2009-02-25 01:03:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]
很多人要使用session時都發現,為何沒有辦法讀出來沒有值呢?像底下這樣子 這是因為前面沒有加上session_start();,正確的Code應該這樣子寫 ... [閱讀更多]
Reservation Work log(2)
2009-02-03 16:31:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]
Today, I finished login page, I rewrite it to a class model for maintaning easy and cleanly. But it waste much time to do, I am not used this type of coding. But I trust it if I want to go up stair, I...... [閱讀更多]
Reservation Work log(1)
2009-01-12 11:10:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]
Most of requirements were analysysed in the morning, I've done some things.1. Create a table in my DB.2. understanding how google Calendar can do.3. makeing sure steps of construction. Google Calend...... [閱讀更多]
如何使用Google Calendar API in PHP(1)
2009-01-11 21:02:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]首先到此下載函式庫,解壓縮開來的資料夾內有demosdocumentationlibrarytest其中demos可以從裡面看一些範例。如果只是要用google api那就只要將library拷貝出來到你的資料夾底下就可以而底下的範例要感謝 FUNction's 無趣隨筆分享的此篇文章中裡面寫到了使用的方法...... [閱讀更多]
NUU IM was published on Yahoo's NEWS
2008-12-18 11:56:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]
The story is that, we attend a competition that is "第13屆全國大專院校資訊服務創新暨資訊管理專題競賽" Finally the conference announce M-Baby get No. 1 of AP3 (Application 3) Now we can take a break,...... [閱讀更多]
Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language
2008-12-18 10:32:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]
it quote from chapter is very useful to me.I am very appreciate a man who called "良格葛", translated this Document.Chapter 9: 命名慣例讓程式更容易被理解和閱讀。他...... [閱讀更多]
It is so cold in Taiwan
2008-11-10 10:21:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]
In Mailo it is so Cold, Soddenly the weather had changed so cold.recall the day before yesterday, It shined everywhere.Everyone wared the short pants and T-shirt.But now, it is so sososo........Cold.:...... [閱讀更多]
This is my first blog
2008-11-10 06:33:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]
this is my first blog,it is for Dudu, who is dudu?Let's see.... [閱讀更多]
The super recommend book~
2008-11-09 18:23:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]
This book is teaching you how to be a charming man. This is the cover on the book. Lesson 1. How to achieve woman when you asleep in underground. Hang your body as sexy ...... [閱讀更多]
There is some concept about paper doll
2008-11-09 15:14:00 by Caesar Chi @ 熱血漢誌 [引用來源]
There is some model for paper made doll. Fortunately, they gave me some idea about my Baby. (Baby is a game.) I like this milk doll, they are looked so different. Actu...... [閱讀更多]