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Xsolla擴大對大中華區的支援 - 美國商業資訊

2024-07-26 11:28:00 by BusinessWire China @ BusinessWire China [引用來源]

北京--(美國商業資訊)--以專為遊戲產業設計的廣泛工具和服務套件而著稱的全球電子遊戲商務公司Xsolla欣然宣布Xsolla大中華區辦事處隆重開幕。開幕典禮於2024年7月22日(週一)在朝陽區僑福芳草地D-06舉行,代表公司重申對強化和發展中國乃至全球電子遊戲產業的承諾。 本新聞稿包含多媒體資訊。完整新聞稿請見此: [閱讀更多]

KAGA FEI開發EC4L15BA1藍牙低功耗模組,兼顧低功耗與高處理能力 - 美國商業資訊

2024-07-26 10:37:00 by BusinessWire China @ BusinessWire China [引用來源]

日本橫濱--(美國商業資訊)--先進的短距離無線模組全球供應商KAGA FEI Co., Ltd.今天宣佈推出EC4L15BA1藍牙低功耗模組。該模組內建天線,並已獲得多項認證。因此,它可縮短下一代無線物聯網產品(如工業物聯網、醫療/保健產品和運動/健身感測器)的開發時間並降低認證成本,從而加快產品上市速度。 本新聞稿包含多媒體資訊。完整新聞稿請見此: https://www....... [閱讀更多]

Corpay Cross-Border被指定為世界田總官方外匯供應商 - 美國商業資訊

2024-07-26 10:33:00 by BusinessWire China @ BusinessWire China [引用來源]

多倫多--(美國商業資訊)--全球企業支付領域的領導者Corpay, Inc.* (NYSE: CPAY)欣然宣布,Corpay的Cross-Border業務部門已與世界田徑總會(簡稱「世界田總」)達成協議,成為其官方外匯(FX)供應商。世界田總是田徑運動的國際管理機構,涵蓋田徑、越野跑、公路跑、競走、山地跑和超跑等比賽項目。 本新聞稿包含多媒體資訊。完整新聞稿請見此: htt...... [閱讀更多] Reports Internet Has 362.4 Million Domain Name Registrations at the End of the Second Quarter of 2024

2024-07-26 10:24:00 by BusinessWire China @ BusinessWire China [引用來源]

RESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--VeriSign, Inc. (NASDAQ: VRSN), a global provider of critical internet infrastructure and domain name registry services, today announced that, according to the late...... [閱讀更多]

Introducing Hemi: An Advanced Modular Blockchain Network Powered by Bitcoin and Ethereum

2024-07-26 10:18:00 by BusinessWire China @ BusinessWire China [引用來源]

Hemi Labs was co-founded by early Bitcoin core developer Jeff Garzik and blockchain security pioneer Max Sanchez, who was the principal developer behind Hemi』s unique method for ...... [閱讀更多]

ServiceNow 和 Boomi 公布策略承諾,透過 AI 驅動的自助服務提升客戶體驗

2024-07-26 10:15:00 by BusinessWire China @ BusinessWire China [引用來源]

加州聖塔克拉拉及賓州康受霍肯--(美國商業資訊)-- ServiceNow (紐約證券交易所:NOW) 是業務轉型的 AI 平台,而 Boomi 則是智慧型整合和自動化領域的領導者,雙方今天共同宣布了一項策略,承諾透過包括 ServiceNow 資訊科技服務管理在內的 AI 驅動自助服務提升客戶體驗。除此之外,Boomi 作為 ServiceNow 的主要客戶,將使用 Service...... [閱讀更多]

Bureau Veritas: Early Impact of the New LEAP | 28 Strategy Boosting Revenue and Improving Margins1 in the First Half; 2024 Revenue Outlook Upgraded

2024-07-26 10:13:00 by BusinessWire China @ BusinessWire China [引用來源]

NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE, France--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Hinda Gharbi, Chief Executive Officer, commented:「In the first half of the year, we kick started the execution of our LEAP I 28 strategy which was la...... [閱讀更多]

Bureau Veritas Acquires Security Innovation Inc. to Reinforce Its Cybersecurity Expertise in the Software Domain

2024-07-26 10:11:00 by BusinessWire China @ BusinessWire China [引用來源]

PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Bureau Veritas, a global leader in the Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) industry, announces today it has signed an agreement to acquire Security Innovation In...... [閱讀更多]

Bureau Veritas appoints Maria Lorente Fraguas as Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer

2024-07-26 10:08:00 by BusinessWire China @ BusinessWire China [引用來源]

PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Bureau Veritas, a global leader in the Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) industry, announces the appointment of Maria Lorente Fraguas as Executive Vice Preside...... [閱讀更多]

SLB宣佈自願從巴黎泛歐交易所退市 - 美國商業資訊

2024-07-25 15:53:00 by BusinessWire China @ BusinessWire China [引用來源]

巴黎--(美國商業資訊)--監管機構新聞: SLB (NYSE: SLB)今日宣佈,公司將進行其股票(ISIN: AN8068571086)自願從巴黎泛歐交易所退市的程序。 與之前做出從其他交易所退市的決定一樣,SLB認為股票在巴黎泛歐交易所的交易量較低,而且繼續採用雙重上市策略會不斷增加成本,滿足更高的行政要求並增加管理時間,因此請求從巴黎泛歐交易所自願退市。 S...... [閱讀更多]